Tuesday, September 2, 2008

God is good!!

Ok so I know a lot of you have been bugging me because I haven't posted in awhile. Yes I know I'm a horrible blogger! lol. Well I just thought I would share with you something that I wrote today.

Tuesday September 2, 2008
As I sit here on the beach at the lake I'm amazed at God's glory! I feel the sun on my face, the wind bowing my hair and I hear the waves crashing on the shore and I know that God is here with me. Sometimes you just have to leave the craziness of life and find a quiet spot to be alone and just sit in silence, and spend time with God. You need a place that is just for you and God to be together. Sure God is aways with you, but sometimes you just need a place where it's just you and God, where you can just talk to Him and tell Him what been going on. There have been a lot of changes in my life and I don't deal too well with change. But I the one thing I know that will never change is God! As I sit here I know that even nature change. I know that the waves of the water can smooth a rock and I've come realize that all the trials and changes and all the hard times God has allowed me to go through are making me a better person. God is the wave and I am the rock. He is smoothing out all my rough edges. So whatever changes come my way I will remember that God is with me and that He is molding me. I will leave you with a saying that I like.
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Forever His!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Prom 2008!

Well yet again prom has come and gone. I had such a great time! Friday Amanda, Chelsea and I went and got our nails done. Then Saturday morning we all loaded everything up and then went to get our hair and make up done. Oh my gosh I loved my hair this year! So all that took a long time lol. Dad and mama picked Josh up and dropped him off at the hail salon and then when we were all done we went and picked up Matt at Amanda and Chelsea's. After we picked him up we were off to the hotel. We got to the hotel a little early so we just hung out in the Merritt's room for awhile. Then it was time to get ready, so Amanda, Chelsea and I went to my room to get dressed and we took some pictures and had fun. So after everyone was done getting ready we took some group pictures then headed down to the ballroom. We got there just in time for the doors to open so we took our stuff inside and set it all down at the table and went back out to the main area and took a bunch more pictures lol. Then it was time for all the parents to leave and the actual prom to start. We had supper and it wasn't all that good but we had fun. Then it was time to dance and boy did we dance. It was so much fun! We danced the night away! My feet started to hurt and my back started to hurt but it was so worth it. I had a great time and I was sad that it was my last year.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Writer's Block!

Ok so I know I haven't written in a very long time. It's just that everytime I went to write something I would have writers block. Well now I have writers block on something different. I am supposed to be writing a paper for Erskin which is due tomorrow and I have some of it written, but then I hit that stupid wall and I cant' seem to get any further and it is frustrating. We also have to give a report about the ski trip tomorrow morning and I am just stressing out about it all. I know I don't need to stress about it cause that wont help me any, but sometimes it's just kind of good to stress lol. I know I will be better once I get this thing written. The good thing though, is that I have nothing to do today so I can take all day to write this paper lol. Ok well I guess I better try and write some more. I just thought I would come and write a new post since people keep telling me that I need to *cough cough Amanda* lol. Wish me luck on my paper :D.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Just blogging!

Wow it has been a really long time since I posted last. I have been doing a lot of stuff I just haven't felt like writing anything down until now.

So we finally got the prom tickets ordered which took forever casue the stupid computer was messing up. Now I just have to get my prom dress which is what I am looking forward to. Going prom dress shopping is one of my favorite things to do just because I love trying on all different kinds of dresses. Prom is going to be so much fun and I just can't wait!

Right now I am helping Sophia with her school work. She doesn't have a whole lot to do today which is good. Right now she is working on phonix which is her most hated subject. Last week we worked on her phonix for like 5 hours, it was pretty crazy. Even though she can annoy me sometimes cause she doesn't want to do her work I still like this job and it is actually a pretty easy job.

So now we are moving on to big news! Erskin and Kelli got two foster babies!! Eveyone is so excited for them and the babies are sooooo ctue! They got a brother and a sister. The boy is 11 months old and his name is Justin and the girl is 4 days old and her name is Jasmine. They are the cutest little things you've ever seen. So Kelli has been really busy this weekend, especially with the little boy cause he is scared cause he doesn't know what's going on and he is sick, so she hasn't gotten much sleep lately. Mama and I went over there yesterday morning and Kelli just had the biggest smile on her face, it was really cute.

Well I should probably be going now cause I think Sophia might need some help or a little motivation heh. All right I will try and not let so much time go in between posts again.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Fun Day!

Well I tried to sleep in this morning and I ended up waking up at 8 so the sleeping in didn't quite work. It was actually a good thing that I got up when I did because I had to leave at 10 to go to the church. The Borns picked me up at the church and I went with them to Travis' basketball game. The game went pretty well even though they lost, but they only lost by two points. After the game we went back to the church and met up with Kelli, Candice, Haddie and Vivian and the girls and we all went to this restaurant called The Purple Cow and they serve purple ice cream lol. It was really good and we had a good time. After we got done eating we went to the North Park mall and did some window shopping because none of us could afford anything lol. Kelli and I saw a purse that was on sale for like 500 dollars, we were like "wow what a sale!" lol. So after we walked around awhile we went back to the church and then I went home. So now I am just sitting here watching a movie and blogging because I have nothing else to do. Well I am going to go now because my contacts are driving me crazy so I'm going to go take them out.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am so sore!!

So yesterday the youth group went to Mission Arlington and volunteered up there. We had to move cases of canned goods. That was so tiring! I have bruises on my legs, and I am surprised I don't have on on my butt because I fell. After we go home I was so tired that I just vegged. I watched 3 movies last night and if it wasn't too late I probably would have watched another lol. I was just getting them all in before this week lol. The youth group is doing a media fast starting tonight after church and ending on Wednesday night after church. The media fast consists of no computer, tv, movies, phone, music. So basically no electronics whatsoever. I am really not looking forward to this, but I know I need it. So I am praying that God will give me a good attitude about it. So I wont be able to post for a few days, but I don't post that often anyway lol. Well I guess I better go. I really don't' have anything else to say.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fun Weekend!

My weekend started Friday evening. Dad picked up Haddie on his way home from work. When they got here Josh came and picked us up and we went to Wendy's for supper. Then we just talked for awhile at Wendy's and were almost late to the movies cause we lost track of time. We went and saw I Am Legend. It was a really good movie, but it was a bit depressing. It sure wasn't one of those feel good movies that for sure lol. So after the movie we went home, and Haddie spent the night. We stayed up late watching the food network channel lol. We got hungry too cause there was a lot of good food. We didn't got to bed until like 12:30 and we had to get up at 8, so we were kind of tired. Then Haddie and I left for church work day and my dad was coming in Mr. B's tractor because he was bringing to the church. Well after Haddie and I were at the church for awhile my dad calls me and tells me that the tractor broke down and that he was going to be awhile. I ended up going with Erskin, Haddie and Kayleigh to Mardells. They got t-shirts for winning the calender sale the youth were having. My dad finally got to the church just a little bit before we got back. We stayed at the church for the longest time. Everyone was cleaning and decluttering, so the church looks real nice now. So I was really tired by the time we got home last night at like 5:30. All I did for the rest of the evening was watch a movie and talk to people. Then today was just a normal Sunday, got up got ready and went to church. Then after church went out to eat with everyone. Then we went home and were only home for like 20 minutes and then left for church again lol. So I am pretty tired now, and I have to start school tomorrow. So I better go to bed so I can get up early.